Monday, August 17, 2009

City has a say on Capital Facilities Plan

It's been a hot, busy summer, but now it's time to start thinking about school again. While the Bellingham School Board approved its Capital Facilities Plan back in July, it's just coming before the city's Planning Commission this Thursday night, 7 p.m. August 20, at city council chambers, 210 Lottie St.

On the agenda: "Consideration of an amendment to the Capital Facilities Chapter of the Bellingham Comprehensive Plan to adopt by reference a new six-year capital facilities plan for the Bellingham School District."
It then has to go to the City Council.

The planning commission includes time for public comment at its meetings. This is a great opportunity for us to let the city know how they can help protect neighborhood schools.

As it is, the Capital Facilities plan the district is presenting doesn't include a reopen date for Lowell Elementary, it includes a provision to buy MORE PORTABLES, to continue building a new school in the middle of farmland, and to plan for another new school in the next six years, all while the district says it doesn't have money to operate the schools it has now, and enrollment is flat.
Click here to read what the school district wants the Planning Commission to approve and to read the district's 2009-2015 Capital Facilities Plan:
Proposed amendments to city's Comprehensive Plan

The district needs the city to incorporate the capital facilities plan into its Comprehensive Plan, in order to collect impact fees from developers.
The city can pressure the district regarding this plan. Let them know you want them to! Come to the meeting Thursday night. If you can't make it, submit a written comment to the city through: Heather Aven, 360-778-8300, or e-mail

Here's the link to the report being presented to the Planning Commission:
Bellingham School District request re: Capital Facilities update

This hasn't been well publicized, and so far the city has received no comments. Let's change that!

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